Friday, January 23, 2015

Aloha Crock Pot Pig

First off, I would like to apologize for the picture above.  There is just no way to make pulled pork look pretty and appetizing!  The flavor of this dish is stupidly delicious though!  There are so many things that you can do with the leftovers of this.  Be on the lookout for ideas next week!  I couldn't decide on the name of this dish.  Click on the Comment link below and tell me what you like best: Aloha Crock Pot Pig, Crock Pot Hawaiian Pig or Hawaiian Crock Pot Pig.
  • 5 pound Boston Butt Roast (bone-in or out- it doesn't matter)
  • 3 slices of Bacon
  • 2 TBSP Sea Salt
  • 2 TBSP Coconut Sugar
  • 3 cloves Garlic
  • 1 can Crushed Pineapple
Here's what ya do:

    1.  Place 3 pieces of bacon at the bottom of your crock pot.

    2.  Massage the sea salt and coconut sugar all over the roast like    
         you're the best massage therapist to ever come along.  Don't worry,     
         the pig can't complain if you don't give it enough pressure or do it
    3.  Hide each whole cloves of garlic into the flaps of meat like its an
         Easter egg in a clover patch.
    4.  Now that you've become quite familiar with your new pig friend,
         place him gently into the crock pot on top of his friend, Bacon.
I got a little too excited to reunite the two friends while taking pictures.  I forgot to give him a rub down with seasonings but don't you do that! 
    5. Dump the whole can of crushed pineapples on top of our friend and
        cover him with the lid.
    6.  For best results, cook on high for 4 hours and then click it over to low
        for an additional 4 hours.  If you're not going to be around, cook it on
        low for 10 hours. 
    7. When time is up, remove meat and poke with a spoon or fork so
        the meat falls apart.  Spoon some of the liquid from the crock pot onto
        your meat (not all of it though!  It's way too salty!) 
    8.  Enjoy as is or mix with homemade BBQ Sauce!


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