Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Paleo Snow Ice Cream

Sugar Free Dairy Free Ice Cream

Have you been getting a lot of snow this winter where you live?  We were finally able to get in on some of the action last week!  When it actually snows here in Louisiana we lose our minds.  Snow is such a foreign concept to us that we really don't know what to do other than to get outside and play in it.

I will spare you all of the photos that I took of my frozen babies but they truly had a great time.  Truth be known, their daddy and I had just as much fun if not more! 

Many people I know consider it an absolute crime against nature to have an actual snow event in the south and not make snow ice cream.  Well, seeing as how I didn't want to go to prison and all, I had to come up with something.  I think it turned out pretty delish. 

Paleo Snow Ice Cream
written by Rebecca Lane
makes 4 servings (or if you are in Louisiana or somewhere else in the world that rarely sees snow, it may make 1 serving seeing as how it will be quite some time before you get to partake of this again!)

  • 2 cups snow (clean snow caught in a bowl - not scraped off the trampoline liner or off the ground!)
  • 2 TBSP Honey
  • 2 tsp Pure Vanilla Extract
  • 1 TBSP Coconut Milk

Here's what ya do:

Mix all of the ingredients together!  If you have a very unfortunate sweet tooth like I do, you may want to add a little extra honey to the top for added sweetness and happiness!  Enjoy!

Paleo Snow Ice Cream

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