Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Zoodles with Alfredo Sauce

Today was one of those days that I needed, I mean really needed, some comfort food. I'm not sure if the reason stems from just coming off a very hectic three-day holiday or the fact that all three kids have been sick at least twice in the past three weeks.  Whatever the reason, I felt the need for a hug from food.   I know, I have a really weird obsession and relationship with food.  Only recently have I decided that it's okay to embrace my obsession and turn it into something much healthier.  My comfort foods used to be packed with ingredients that made me sick as a dog. Unfortunately, my desire for a "hug from food" used to far outweigh the consequences.   Not anymore my friends!  I have caught on to the world of Paleo and am ready to start converting my favorite recipes into something much healthier.

I have made Angel Hair Alfredo for years as an all-time favorite for my 8 year old daughter and myself.  The original recipe was pretty similar to Olive Garden's recipe that I found online years ago and have tweaked throughout the years.  The meal was so dear to me that I was really afraid for the conversion.  I was trying my best to be brave and kept repeating my mantra  "This is going to be great!  This is going to be great'' although I never truly believed it.  I mean, I've tried this before.  A few years back I tried spaghetti squash and that as a nasty disaster!  Much to my surprise though, I absolutely loved it!  I found that if you sauté the noodles for several minutes, it will make a softer more pasta-like texture which I obviously enjoy since it's closer to the real deal.

For the Alfredo Sauce:

1Tbsp Ghee
1 clove minced garlic
1/2 Cup Coconut Milk
1/2 tsp dried Parsley
1/4 tsp Sea Salt 

1/4 tsp Fresh Cracked Pepper to taste

Melt Ghee over a medium heat.  Once skillet it hot enough to melt the Ghee, throw in your minced garlic and cook until fragrant (about 30 seconds).  Add coconut milk, parsley, salt and pepper.  Bring to a boil and cook until sauce has thickened  and reduced by half.


1 tsp Ghee
2 Zucchini
dash of sea salt
Julienne blade

Slice your zucchini with a small Julienne blade.  You can either eat your Zoodles raw or sauté them for 5 minutes in ghee or Avocado Oil until tender.
Makes 2 Servings

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