Monday, June 25, 2018

The Danger of Erroneous Focus

Allow your eyes to focus on this image as a whole. The stunning crimson petals are decorated with its opposite color in what appears to be a second star-flower in the center. A dramatic pistil stands in the center. Study the second flower a bit closer, though. You will find the yellow-green petals are actually negative space created along the edges of each individual crimson petal. This plant seems as if God designed it to teach us a lesson on focus. Maybe that's just because I'm reading Priscilla Shirer's Fervent right now and I can literally see the echo of her words in every moment of my reality!

On a daily basis, we are faced with illusions skillfully designed to target each of us personally. These illusions can range anywhere from a grumpy child or significant other to simple things not going our way to a flat tire or worse.

When we look at the circumstance as a whole - what we see at first glance - we often times allow it to put us in a bad mood. We get grumpy and sometimes lash out at others. Have you ever stopped to consider there is someone watching "from behind the curtain" relishing in your frustration? (I picture him tapping his fingertips one at a time in descending order with a sinister laugh bellowing from the pit of... well, where he lives.) The enemy's soul purpose for existence is to invade your life and skew your reality into what he wants you to see. The only way to fight against the falsehoods we face each day is to put on the armor of God and pray! Pray to see your frustrations and your reality for what it truly is. You don't have to have your finances in order, the job you've always dreamed of, the friends and family relationships you've prayed for, or even perfect health to be grateful for today. Each day is a stepping stone when you live a life guided by God. Have faith. Pray often. Stay FOCUSED on God rather than the puppet master pulling your strings.

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