Sunday, July 15, 2018

Fear - Satan's Favorite Figaboo

How often do we twist things around in our minds so that it seems as if the worst possible scenario is imminent? Fear is one of Satan's handiest tools in his toolbox. He can use it to stop us from doing practically anything and everything. Luckily for us, God is one step ahead of him. He tells is over three-hundred times throughout scripture not to be afraid. Pray. Have faith. Remember, He has gone before you! (Deut 31:8) This shot is a perfect reminder of fear for me personally. In order to get the full horseshoe in the frame, I needed to lean over the edge of the cliff. I was too afraid. I could only stomach placing one foot about four inches from the edge while I leaned my weight to my back foot. I kept trying to inch my way forward, but there were literally hundreds of people surrounding me. One bump and my clumsy self would be over the edge. I just knew my kids were going to watch me fall to my death. This may seem silly to you, but for me, getting the full shot was on my photography bucket list. Fear stopped me from my goal. Regret set in nearly immediately and I'm now 1166 miles away from a second attempt.

I don't mean to reference only high adrenaline situations like hanging precariously off a cliff. Fear can stop you from saying "hi" to the new person or giving a hug to the off-kilter looking lady you don't know very well. Fear can stop you from taking the first step of your dream. It can keep you safe in your comfort zone where you will never grow. Never learn. Never expand in your faith. How many situations has fear ruined for you? Stop letting Satan win the constant, daily battle of fear. Learn to recognize when you're being played like a fiddle. Get mad and demand Satan to leave you alone. Ask God to help you "breakup" with fear. There is no room in your spirit for fear. Pray constantly that He will help you to start living with the power, love and sound mind He has gifted you.

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