Sunday, July 15, 2018

Fear - Satan's Favorite Figaboo

How often do we twist things around in our minds so that it seems as if the worst possible scenario is imminent? Fear is one of Satan's handiest tools in his toolbox. He can use it to stop us from doing practically anything and everything. Luckily for us, God is one step ahead of him. He tells is over three-hundred times throughout scripture not to be afraid. Pray. Have faith. Remember, He has gone before you! (Deut 31:8) This shot is a perfect reminder of fear for me personally. In order to get the full horseshoe in the frame, I needed to lean over the edge of the cliff. I was too afraid. I could only stomach placing one foot about four inches from the edge while I leaned my weight to my back foot. I kept trying to inch my way forward, but there were literally hundreds of people surrounding me. One bump and my clumsy self would be over the edge. I just knew my kids were going to watch me fall to my death. This may seem silly to you, but for me, getting the full shot was on my photography bucket list. Fear stopped me from my goal. Regret set in nearly immediately and I'm now 1166 miles away from a second attempt.

I don't mean to reference only high adrenaline situations like hanging precariously off a cliff. Fear can stop you from saying "hi" to the new person or giving a hug to the off-kilter looking lady you don't know very well. Fear can stop you from taking the first step of your dream. It can keep you safe in your comfort zone where you will never grow. Never learn. Never expand in your faith. How many situations has fear ruined for you? Stop letting Satan win the constant, daily battle of fear. Learn to recognize when you're being played like a fiddle. Get mad and demand Satan to leave you alone. Ask God to help you "breakup" with fear. There is no room in your spirit for fear. Pray constantly that He will help you to start living with the power, love and sound mind He has gifted you.

Monday, June 25, 2018

The Danger of Erroneous Focus

Allow your eyes to focus on this image as a whole. The stunning crimson petals are decorated with its opposite color in what appears to be a second star-flower in the center. A dramatic pistil stands in the center. Study the second flower a bit closer, though. You will find the yellow-green petals are actually negative space created along the edges of each individual crimson petal. This plant seems as if God designed it to teach us a lesson on focus. Maybe that's just because I'm reading Priscilla Shirer's Fervent right now and I can literally see the echo of her words in every moment of my reality!

On a daily basis, we are faced with illusions skillfully designed to target each of us personally. These illusions can range anywhere from a grumpy child or significant other to simple things not going our way to a flat tire or worse.

When we look at the circumstance as a whole - what we see at first glance - we often times allow it to put us in a bad mood. We get grumpy and sometimes lash out at others. Have you ever stopped to consider there is someone watching "from behind the curtain" relishing in your frustration? (I picture him tapping his fingertips one at a time in descending order with a sinister laugh bellowing from the pit of... well, where he lives.) The enemy's soul purpose for existence is to invade your life and skew your reality into what he wants you to see. The only way to fight against the falsehoods we face each day is to put on the armor of God and pray! Pray to see your frustrations and your reality for what it truly is. You don't have to have your finances in order, the job you've always dreamed of, the friends and family relationships you've prayed for, or even perfect health to be grateful for today. Each day is a stepping stone when you live a life guided by God. Have faith. Pray often. Stay FOCUSED on God rather than the puppet master pulling your strings.

Monday, April 16, 2018

The Week God Held Me

During the week of Sunday, April 24, 2016, my heartbreak was great, but I found God's comfort to be even greater. This week was my daddy's last on earth. Despite the agony of our final seven days, God encouraged me to stay alert. I searched for Him in the moments our culture suggests He is nowhere to be found. With eyes wide open, I witnessed blessing after miraculous blessing.

Before I dive into that part of the story, let me describe my relationship with my dad. He was my first boyfriend in the purest, most innocent way. A tiny version of myself believed he was the strongest, smartest, funniest man God ever made. He was probably one of the most patient and kindest men I have ever known.

Images of his crystal-blue eyes dancing with joy flood my memory. At a little over six feet tall, he used to tower over me. I never will forget the way his arms stretched around my back as he gently squeezed. He often swayed softly back and forth which made our hugs even sweeter. My head pressed into the variety of items in the chest pocket of his shirt. Even his chin participated in our embraces as it found its way to the top of my head. His hugs were the greatest. They are one of the things I miss most.

Monday, March 12, 2018

Ultimate Faith

This morning started off as one of those days. You know, the type where you procrastinate from the day's duties and chores. I am a master at this craft! I should have been working on my manuscript or putting away the mountain of laundry piled up in the chair next to me. Instead, I've planted myself in the couch and cozied up with a soft, gray blanket (my favorite) while I gazed out the bank of windows that make up the back wall of my living room. As I stared past the steam rising from a fresh cup of coffee, I studied the new buds of a sweet gum tree induced by Spring's promise. I observed the way the wind blew the weeds I eagerly wanted to call grass.

I was not surprised to find my stillness had provoked wonders of this world as I marveled at its perfection. My thoughts soon came to rest on God while I considered all the intricate planning He does in every aspect of life. The silky pages of my Bible slapped against each other as I turned to one of my favorite chapters in Psalm. 139:13 reads, "You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knitted me together in my mother's womb." 16 goes on to say, "Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed."

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

A Year in a Life Like Lombard Street

Image result for famous winding road in san francisco

Looking back, I am blown away by how much my life has changed in just one short year. 2017 was unlike any of my other 37 years in existence. There were more twists and turns throughout my entire year than there are on San Francisco's famed Lombard Street. A hand full of jarring events led to this sensation that was at times unbearable, others stupendous, yet all were miraculous. No. I'm not bipolar. I've just dealt with some pretty heavy stuff over the past twelve months.

Monday, December 18, 2017

Cinnamon Roll Recipe

I once had a wildly successful and crazy demanding "at-home-bakery". While I still have a passion for baking and making others happy with the foods and treats I prepare for them, the demands on the bakery were too great for my family. After many conversations and plenty of prayer, Scott and I ultimately decided it was time to let go of the bakery. 

My two best sellers were always my homemade cinnamon rolls and croissants. The luscious fragrance of butter and sugar caramelizing in the oven mixed with the mouth-watering aroma of yeast being activated in sweet roll bread as it rises is enough to make your tummy grumble despite being full from a meal. Forget about the tangy sweet goodness of the cream cheese frosting waiting patiently to be placed on top of the piping hot pastry so it can begin its journey of coating every inch of the sweet roll as it melts; filling in the cracks along the way.

Hundreds of Tiny Miracles Add Up To Make A Day

Image may contain: plant, nature and outdoor

How often do you rush through your daily life in an effort to check off appointments on your schedule? When is the last time you closed your eyes while standing completely still outside as you inhale the earthy tones surrounding you. Can you recall what it feels like to have the sunlight warm your face as you lift your chin to the sky? When's the last time you let the sound of a child's giggle penetrate your soul to the point moving you to laughter? 

It sounds simple, but living every moment of your day with intent can difficult with hectic schedules the holidays often bring. Take time today to be still and notice the small things. Give thanks to God for the tiny miracles that add up to make your day. Stay focused. Live today with intent and love.

"He does great things too marvelous to understand. He performs countless miracles." Job 5:9

"Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you who belong to Christ Jesus." 1 Thessalonians 5:16 - 18